Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why Inside Portugal

I have lived more than 20 years in Portugal by choice.  I have always thought it a wonderful country.  I have been treated with respect, dignity and friendship by the Portuguese.   It is difficult to imagine being treated better as a foreigner in any other foreign country.  Even though I am a resident with a family; I have always thought I should act as a guest.  A guest of course does not criticize the host nor try to change the dwelling of the host.  A guest always should show the best behavior.

I could write much positive about Portugal, as it is a country and people I have come to love.  Indeed, I always try to promote Portugal and its products abroad.

My stay in Portugal has been long.  My professional life is and my family is here.  My two children are born in Lisbon and are half Portuguese and half Danish.  We avoid using the facilities provided by the state and instead use a private school, private hospitals, private doctors etc.  In case of emergency we have a few times used the public health system and have been well treated.  My business is here and nearly all my clients outside of the country. Thus the income I bring to Portugal should be valuable as it is nearly pure export and is taxed here.

Portugal is in a crisis on multiple levels.  The most obvious is the economy.   Keeping the above in mind I believe I should now speak up.  I will no more be a mere guest.  For it is my duty as a parent to Portuguese children and a member, albeit partial and non voting, of a democracy in dire trouble.

The idea with this blog is to discuss and expose problems and present ideas for solutions to make this a better place to live.  My hope is that an international view point from somebody living inside Portugal might be of value.  Presenting my view point I will probably insult and even rave.  The focus is mainly on negative aspects and the bad news.  There will be attempts of humor, biting sarcasm and outrageous exaggerations to emphasize.   I will certainly hurt the feelings of some Portuguese readers, for which I regret and apologize - if you are not the guilty target.  Feel free to criticize Denmark in return.  It is by no means a perfect country - of which there are none.  And bear in mind; I prefer to live in Portugal.

You may want to know a little bit about me.   I am of a very liberal mindset in the European sense, some would call me a libertarian.  But then again some Portuguese socialists could run the risk of being called far right in Scandinavia.
I believe all people have the right to live as they please, as long it does not interfere with other people's equal rights.  Education, respect, politeness, helpfulness and tolerance are pillars of civilized society.  Private property is just that.  I am a firm believer in regulated capitalism but also a minimal state with a minimal number of laws.  Private endeavors must be regulated, there must be law and justice in the land.  I believe in punishment for adult criminals and rehabilitation only for youngsters.  I am fiscally conservative.  I believe in representative democracy and not the rule of the masses.
Large differences of social or economic standing in a society is a recipe for disaster on multiple levels and should be avoided - otherwise:  Vive la différence!
All citizens must have access to good health care, adequate housing and nourishment.  People with an ascertained need must be helped - but only if they cannot help themselves.
All children no matter their social class or their parents, must have equal access to a life and that includes world class education.  Remember our children and young are our future. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Much of the information posted here is still relevant today. Will you keep it updated? I really hope so, I just bookmarked your blog! :)

    I definitely agree with many of the statements you make on this blog.
