Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Child's play

Mr. Socrates, the previous prime minister has found an audience in Paris.  I wonder how.  Did he pay them?

If anybody can be made personally responsible for the unpayable debts of the country - it should be Mr. Socrates.  Check out here.  With any justice, Mr. Socrates will one day have to answer in court concerning the mismanagement of the country.  Don't hold your breath while waiting.

Mr. Socrates has been known for a number of scandals.  One of the smaller ones being his degree as an Engineer.  He is still not considered one by the order of Portuguese engineers.

The country is insolvent going through the biggest crisis ever as a democracy and Mr. Socrates gives us a few wise words:

"The idea of paying the debt is childish."

I think I understand this one.  My children, my grandchildren and even my great grandchildren will be paying the debt.

"Debts of countries are per definition eternal"

Now I understand better.  If debts are eternal - then you of course need not worry much.  I will talk to my bank tomorrow.  I will ask for a loan - not eternal - after all I am not a country - but just 65 years.  I will guarantee to pay it in full in 65 years including all accrued interests.  Cross my heart...

"I have studied this during... (small pause) ...time"

Mr. Socrates has studied so many subjects.  I had never heard about this PhD in economy (and public finance?).  Impressive.  On the other hand, Mr. Socrates has learned something.  No definite time of study.  Just ...time
On the other hand when an engineering degree can be finished on a Sunday, then ...time gives limitless possibilities.

"The economy is managed, I have studied that"

In his extensive studies of economy and public finance, Mr. Socrates has discovered a truth.  "The economy is managed."  This is of course a small lapse of Mr. Socrates.  The economy is not managed.  The economy must be managed.  As in actively taking care of it.  I know this is what he meant.  I just know it.  Really!

"Of course you cannot get too much debt, because that can be difficult"'

Indeed, there is nothing as valuable as experience.  Creditors can become so tedious when you don´t pay them.  It is downright unpleasant.  It is a lack of education.  If you borrow money from the loan sharks they will crush your knee caps.  BTW did we get any loans from Russia?

"That is how I see things, but never mind this is a very technical discussion..."

Very technical, high level, at least one 4 syllable word, and down right philosophical.  I must say I have a hard time following you.  But then again I just have minor studies in economy.  Never did get that PhD.  I am just an ordinary (unrecognized!) software engineer. Other PhDs have a hard time following Mr. Socrates as well.  But then again there are PhDs and then PhDs and post docs of an extraordinary - indeed out of the ordinary - degree like Mr. Socrates.

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