Thursday, November 24, 2011

I was getting worried about "the boys"

Why?  It is good income and little work!
Fortunately I have now seen (hat tip SIC Notícias), that PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) one of the big and growing reasons for the public deficit, and the job choice number one for ex politicians and their cronies aka "the boys" are not, by far, entirely out of the question.

They just have to be carefully studied beforehand, the minister of finance states.

SNAFU is the order of the day.  Same procedures as last year.  "The boys" just need to be a bit more patient - that's all.

If sanity ruled - Portugal would not consider a PPP the next 100 years, but fortunately it does not.  I am sure the members of parliament - with their double jobs as representatives of the state and simultaneously working for some big companies, that just happen to be involved in PPPs - will continue as during the last government.  I wonder if six of them will just happen to be on the negotiating committee again?  Amazing co-incidence that...

That is a relief.  We are relieved.  Happy for the corrupt industrious political class.

PS. A few red revolutionary radical political activists might make a lot of noise concerning new PPPs.  My advice is find a different acronym instead of PPP - it is an often used sound political tactic.  Call them Civil Organized Rural Restoration Unified Project Tasks.  CORRUPTs.  This way you will have a fresh start and nobody will complain.  After all, the CORRUPTs have nothing to do with PPPs.   Their names are completely different.

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