Monday, November 28, 2011

The big parties are not on speaking terms

The petty political games continue among the big parties.

We can this morning read in the news, that there have been no negotiations this weekend between the government, PSD/CDS and the opposition, PS.

Everybody but the politicians have by now discovered the grave situation of the country.  Nearly everybody, except the politicians, understand the need of a united nation.

Portugal may not be at war and also not at fight for its survival, but we are at a crisis just below that.  There are a large number of citizens in this country living below the ridiculously low poverty limit.  This number is becoming larger.

An enormously large number of families and businesses have gone bankrupt or will in the coming year.  The unemployment is near 13% and if not for a miracle will go up.

There is a huge lack of social cohesion.  No national unity.  There have not even been a single apology, to my knowledge, from any responsible politicians, from any members of governments the last 30 years.

Even our usually very (and too) quiet president has started talking about cohesion and national unity.

And yet the political petty games are still on.

At this moment PS and PSD should a long time ago have started negotiations and found common grounds.  Even if not being able to find common ground, the disagreements should have been kept behind closed doors.  If (when) the need arises for at broad collaboration, there may not be much left to collaborate on.

And yet we see here Mr. Seguro, the leader of PS state: "There have not been, there are not, and there will be no negotiations with PS and the government concerning the state budget of 2012".

Even if the crisis should fizzle out, and Portugal arise from ashes in 2013 by a miracle, then areas like health and education need reforms with a broad majority behind them.  You cannot run these areas such as these on four year plans changing everything after every election.  The cost in terms of money and in terms of human sacrifices are simply to high as the past and the present situation clearly proves.

We have in Portugal a democratically elected parliament.  But we have no democrats in parliament.

Compromises, long term planning, the importance of listening to minorities, working for the good of the people, leadership, the art of the statesman - all these we look for in vain in the Portuguese parliament.  Instead we find a group of people playing petty games - for their own personal advancement?

This no game.

Shame on you.

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