Sunday, November 20, 2011

Defeatism at its worst

Hat tip: Journal de Negócios
The Communist Party, bless their little revolutionary hearts, are making an official question to the Minister on how it is possible young people going to the "Centros de Emprego" ("employment centers", public offices helping people finding work), now are being asked to emigrate?

I already knew the government statements concerning getting rid of am embarrassing problem - in fact it has publicly been stated that the young should leave their comfort zone, implying it is their own fault, and emigrate to get a job.  Now the public announcement has become official policy and has been implemented. (*)

Amazingly, the government is not worried about brain drain, the millions of investment lost or even that Portugal has NO FUTURE without young people.   Are there any demographers working for the government in Portugal?  They could tell any politicians with a brain (not many) that Portugal needs more young people - not less.  In not too many years the demographic bomb will have created a society with more old than people working.  And it is worse in Portugal than practically anywhere else, because of a birth rate of 1.3. Who will pay for all these old people?

Have you noticed all the countries in Europe (and even world wide) doing the opposite?  Trying to keep their young at home, even considering threatening them with a bill for their education if they emigrate! And what about all the measures taken to attract and invite well educated young from abroad to come stay?  I bet other countries are very happy to receive the educated, hard working and dynamic young people now leaving Portugal.  Because a lot of the best will be the ones with guts to leave.  By the way, they will probably leave for good - as statistics show that young people emigrating do usually not come back.

Asking young people to emigrate is the worst defeatist policy I can imagine.  Well, I suppose selling Portugal to the highest bidder is slightly worse - but might in fact be better for the young.

I had some hopes for the new PSD government, but it is just more of the same.  Let us solve the problems any way possible.  Here is a good one.  Get the young to leave.  Less unemployment, less demonstrations/uprisings, less costs, less babies, less schools.  Our policies will work and we will be elected again.

Shame on you!

(*) The only bright spot in all this is that the "Centros de Emprego", now can be closed.  Just replace it with a warning:  "There are no jobs in Portugal.  Emigrate."   Next, we can close the Ministry of Labor.

1 comment:

  1. Parabéns pelo blog...torna é uma janela da realidade portuguesa aberta para o mundo...
    Este artigo em especial reflecte a atitude dos políticos portugueses que visam sempre o curto prazo sem se preocupar com o futuro longiquo. Pois esse já se estende para lá do seu mandato e os portugueses que se amanhem com as consequências e os sucessores políticos que se desenrasquem com as culpas.
    Assim se gere um país de forma inconsequente,
    Se os portugueses tem falta de dinheiro? Emigrem
    Se não se consegue travar o desemprego... Emigrem
    Se o país se vaio arruinando de governo para governo?? Não há problema o que vier a seguir a mim ainda há de ser pior... afinal vai apanhar com as consequências dos meus erros e sairá queimado... permitindo que para a próxima ganhe a oposição.
    E pronto neste circulo de cegueira popular e "espertismo politico", arruína-se o Portugal solarengo e pobre a beira mar plantado.
